
Greetings and goodwill to all, my name is Izaac and I’ll be sharing with you what God’s grace means to me.

Let me tell you a story. The other night I was talking to my 7-year-old brother Jacob. He asked me, Izaac, what is your weakness? I am surprised this kind of question would come out of a very young man. I looked away thinking to myself what really is my weakness????

Then it dawned on me. Jacob you are my weakness

How could someone so little, sweet, tiny be so annoying?? Every day that little rascal would find some way to start an argument with me about some insignificant topic, like what’s the best pokemon? Or some ridiculous math question. Things like this can get to someone like me but a wise, sinless man once said. “Watch yourselves! If your brother sins, speak sharp words to him. If he is sorry and turns from his sin, forgive him. What if he sins against you seven times in one day? If he comes to you and says he is sorry and turns from his sin, forgive him.” This can be found in Luke 17 3:4.

If you were ever feeling uneasy, or discouraged, I advise you to pray and to think. Reflecting on yourself can be a graceful way of healing yourself spiritually and physically. There’s a popular verse in the bible that inspires many people to do great things. Philippians 4:13, it states that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. That’s powerful to say the least.

I’ll be ending this with one last bible verse, it’s the same as Grace had done earlier, Hebrews 4:16. It says, let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. I strongly advise all of you to try forgiving others, it not only benefits them for receiving forgiveness, but also benefits you and makes you a better person.

Thanks for listening and participating in our chapel today, and always remember, don’t have a good day, have a great day.